Ashland, Oregon is a town of 21,000 that has a lot in common with other small towns across America. It also has qualities that make it truly unique. Home of the Oregon Shakespeare Festival and Southern Oregon University, people from various backgrounds and places have chosen to call Ashland home. As a photographer, I thought it would be a worthwhile project to document the varied aspects of Life in Ashland.
Life in Ashland
Sunday, April 21, 2013
A Carcophony of Color
These two very different but colorful vehicles were parked on Holmes Street near Hunter Park this morning. The one on the left represents Ashland perfectly - an environmentally friendly low-fuel using Smart Car with a Greatful Dead-inspired paint job. The other, a magnificently restored 1950's Jeepster, perhaps reflects a nostalgic look back at another Ashland - back in the day.