Ashland, Oregon is a town of 21,000 that has a lot in common with other small towns across America. It also has qualities that make it truly unique. Home of the Oregon Shakespeare Festival and Southern Oregon University, people from various backgrounds and places have chosen to call Ashland home. As a photographer, I thought it would be a worthwhile project to document the varied aspects of Life in Ashland.
Life in Ashland
Friday, December 6, 2013
Foundation Building
Two houses in Ashland are in the process of having their foundations replaced and by some odd coincidence - they're directly across the street from one another. Both structures were lifted by jacks and now sit on blocks, seemingly suspended in air. They do not belong to the same owners and there was no arrangement to have them done at the same time. I happened by this afternoon just as the first snowfall of winter was starting (and the mail carrier was making her rounds).